Dang, Im Kinda Bad At This
So, its been 77 days since I wrote my last blog posting, Not the greatest of accomplishments, especially after saying that I'd start doing these weekly. Just had a meeting this morning regarding this topic (during which I reminded myself of how awkward a human being I am) and I believe that in terms of my training I might be reaching my subconscious self to some degree. Maybe. Somewhat. The point is I'm making progress mentally, and I feel that's what I need right now. Numbers aren't too great, since it feels like I'm either getting sick or injured a lot lately, and I'm more disappointed in myself for my approach to my recovery. It feels like roadblocks have been more frequent than ever these last few months, and I couldn't tell you why, but if anything is stopping my progress right now its definitely these. Not too much I can do about them other than focus on what I can when I can, and that engagement factor can start with getting out these blogs. Thi is a ...